Saranto Lekoloi

Saranto Lekoloi

Saranto Lekoloi, a resilient Samburu woman from Kalama in Archers Post, is more than a beadwork artisan; she is a testament to the transformative power of BeadWORKS over the past ten years. A mother of seven, Saranto's incredible craftsmanship allows her to bead products in mere hours, a skill honed through dedication and passion.

Life was challenging before her association with BeadWORKS. Depending on her husband for financial support, they faced uncertainties due to unpredictable weather and prolonged droughts. To make ends meet, Saranto resorted to selling local illicit brew, a precarious venture. However, her life took a positive turn with BeadWORKS, providing her with a stable income to complement her husband's efforts.

The impact extends beyond Saranto's household. Kalama Community Conservancy one of BeadWORSKS 8 Conservancies, receives 5% of total sales to support its operations. This contribution plays a vital role in providing school fees, bursaries, and scholarships to community members. Saranto's sons, beneficiaries of these bursaries, recently graduated from the university, a testament to the lasting impact on education.

Beyond financial empowerment, BeadWORKS has nurtured Saranto's personal growth. Once a shy woman, she has blossomed into a confident and articulate public speaker. Now, she stands proudly in front of others, even training fellow women in beading techniques. Her newfound skills extend to peacekeeping efforts, where she utilizes her craft to contribute positively to her community.

Saranto's journey with BeadWORKS is not just about beads; it's a narrative of empowerment, resilience, and community upliftment.
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