Supported by The Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) through its enterprise arm, Northern Rangelands Trust-Trading (NRT-Trading),The Embassy of Denmark
through Danida, The Embassy of Sweden and The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Over 200 star beaders from eight community conservancies in Marsabit, Isiolo, Samburu and Laikipia counties were brought together to reflect on their roles in community conservation, sharing experiences, challenges and exchange ideas as business mentors and leaders within conservancies on a conference we organized on 28th and 29th of July, 2021.
through Danida, The Embassy of Sweden and The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Over 200 star beaders from eight community conservancies in Marsabit, Isiolo, Samburu and Laikipia counties were brought together to reflect on their roles in community conservation, sharing experiences, challenges and exchange ideas as business mentors and leaders within conservancies on a conference we organized on 28th and 29th of July, 2021.
This gave them a sneak peek to the work done by NRT-T and its partners including the models of conservation, conservancies and the linkages to their respective conservancies as well as their individual roles as members of the conservancies.
BeadWORKS creates opportunities for pastoralist women in northern Kenya to translate their traditional skills into the much-needed income. It is part of a powerful and growing movement to transform lives.
By promoting peaceful community partnerships, BeadWORKS is committed to conserving natural resources and wildlife through self-governed, community-owned conservancies and sustainable, social and ethical enterprise.
The conference gave them a platform to discuss issues affecting them as business leaders and mentors in their communities as well as an opportunity to discuss other societal issues affecting women and girls at community and household levels. ‘e.g. wellbeing and reproductive health, Girl-boy child education, early marriages, Gender based
violence, etc.
"we are very happy to have come together as women leaders in this beads business today, I am personally honored to see other star beaders from other community conservancies and reflect on our roles as women and learning how our beading skills and craftmanship is creating a positive impact in conservation. I have learnt a lot from the speakers today who have taught us about the importance of conservation" said Nkilian Lokorukoru from Westgate conservancy.
violence, etc.
"we are very happy to have come together as women leaders in this beads business today, I am personally honored to see other star beaders from other community conservancies and reflect on our roles as women and learning how our beading skills and craftmanship is creating a positive impact in conservation. I have learnt a lot from the speakers today who have taught us about the importance of conservation" said Nkilian Lokorukoru from Westgate conservancy.
To reduce time taken by the beaders to make these beaded products for lack of better working equipment, they were given a toolbox full of tools of work as well as protective materials that will help them during the production process. this, they say is a big boost towards better and faster production of the products.